Roof Maintenance in Bryan Texas


Chances are, if you are like most homeowners, gutter cleaning is your least favorite part of residential roof maintenance. It can be a messy job and must be done fairly often in comparison to other roof maintenance tasks. Yet gutter cleaning is essential to the health of your roof and should never be ignored. Whether you DIY or hire a roof company, keeping your gutters clean and serviceable is an important part of home ownership.

Why Do Clean Gutters Matter So Much?

Although they may seem insignificant, gutters are a critical roofing element. They can cause a damage to your roof if they are not kept clean and in good condition. Clogged gutters that fill with water can cause the edges of the roof to be submerged in water, allowing the shingles, underlayment, and even your decking to absorb water.

Undetected, this can lead to rotting, leaking, and other expensive damage that must be repaired by a roof company. You can avoid all of this by making gutter cleaning a part of your routine roof maintenance.

How Often Should You Clean Your Gutters?

Gutter cleaning frequency should be determined by your locale and how dirty your gutters actually get. Generally speaking, the best time for gutter cleaning and other routine  residential roof maintenance is in the fall after all nearby trees have shed their leaves.

If you have maple trees close to your house, cleaning in the spring after they shed their seed pods or little twirling helicopter leaves is also recommended. Also clean whenever you find gutters cluttered with twigs or any other debris that could block the flow of water.

Between cleanings or anytime you do other roof maintenance, check the gutters to make sure they are still clean. If not, add them to your maintenance list. The best time to handle any repairs that may also be necessary is right after you have cleaned your gutters and they are easiest to work on.

Should You Call a Roof Company?

Most handy homeowners have little difficulty cleaning gutters on their own. The biggest effort is just making the time to do this task, then climbing up on a ladder to get started. The cleaning itself is not very involved. It can be done with little more than a pair of work gloves to pull out leaves and twigs, then a garden hose to flush out dirt and other debris.

If you would rather not do your own gutter cleaning, a roof company can take care of this part of residential roof maintenance for you. Hiring a contractor to handle this job may also be a better idea if your gutters require repairs or you are unable to safely climb a ladder.

Whether you DIY or hire someone else, keeping your gutters clean is a critical part of good roof maintenance. You can avoid unnecessary roof damage and expensive repairs when you clean the gutters once or twice a year or as needed. A local roof company can help you with residential roof maintenance including semi-annual gutter cleaning!

Need Help in Bryan Texas With Gutter Cleaning?

Bryan Roofers Is Ready To Handle All Roof Maintenance!

Call 979-464-6655!