Flat building tops are common among non-residential properties. This type of roof is often easier to maintain and cheaper to install, making it the system of choice for commercial roofs. On the other hand, commercial roof services tell clients that flat roofs also come with their own disadvantages.

If not properly maintained, certain issues may develop that will certainly require commercial roof repair. The top of a commercial building may begin to sustain cracks after constant exposure to the elements. It can also begin to suffer from ponding issues that occurs when water gathers into puddles but does not drain or evaporate within 48 hours. This leaves ponds on commercial roofs that can cause severe damage over long periods of time .

What causes ponding and how do you address the issue so it can’t happen again? What type of damage does ponding cause to commercial roofs?

Causes of Ponding

More often than not, ponding water on top of commercial roofs is caused by a poorly designed drainage system. If water is unable to leave the roof, then the drainage must not have been installed correctly or the roof might have been installed incorrectly.

It can also be caused by blocked or clogged drains as well as damage sustained by the roof due to extreme weather or constant exposure to the elements.

If you are a property owner and notice that your roof is experiencing ponding, it may be a good idea to call for commercial roof services right away, since they are most qualified to find out the reason why your roof in particular is having such issues and may need commercial roof repair.

What Damage Can Ponding Do?

Flat commercial roofs can sustain different types of damage and issues due to ponding. You may end up needing commercial roof repair due to debris and dirt accumulation that eventually causes rot as a result of algae and bacterial growth. This can affect the stability of commercial roofs and their materials.

The coating that is applied to the top of commercial roofs can also become affected, decreasing its stability over time and eventually completely destroying it. Of course, water can begin to damage the membrane systems over the time of your roof and cause leaking.

How to Deal With Ponding

The best way for you to deal with this issue is to call commercial roof repair so they can inspect and determine what needs to be done. You may also opt to install a tapered roofing system to help direct the water toward drains. Upgrading your drainage system is also an option. If you cannot include the above options in your budget, you can replace the membrane of your building with one that can withstand ponding water.

Ponding on commercial roofs is quite an issue to deal with. It’s best to call commercial roof services as they are the best equipped to discover the underlying cause and fix it. Never delay your commercial roof repair or you might end up with a larger problem on your hands!

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