Roofs in Bryan Texas


Fireplaces are a nice addition to your home. As nice as they may be, they can be a source of common chimney problems that affect the roofs they extend from. To have your fireplace and enjoy it, pay attention to good roof maintenance, especially around your chimney. Watch for the following signs of chimney problems that mean you are in need of chimney or roof repair as quickly as possible.

Flashing Problems And Leaks

To prevent water from leaking around the sides of chimneys, these protrusions must be carefully sealed with special flashing. Standard flashing may allow water to run down along the side of the chimney and can also be difficult to secure to the masonry. To prevent leaking that will eventually progress to severe damage, it is essential that roofs with chimneys be inspected frequently as a part of regular roof maintenance. Detecting loose, missing, or deteriorating flashing around your chimney before you end up needing extensive roof repair is critical.

Crown and Mortar Damage

Even if your flashing is well adhered and in great shape, your chimney could still leak. Cracks in the chimney crown at the top or in the mortar holding the bricks or stone together can also allow moisture to enter the roof. Water can seep through those cracks and enter the chimney or even seep under the roofing material if there are any cracks under the flashing. As the cracks worsen and more moisture works its way in, the integrity of the entire chimney and the roofing structure around the chimney could be in danger.  

Water Stains and Peeling Paint or Wallpaper

Chimney damage that may not be so obvious from the outside can also show signs inside your home. Considering this, it is important that contractors check inside your home when inspecting chimneys during roof maintenance to look for such signs. Prime indicators of chimney problems are peeling paint or wallpaper on the walls that surround the chimney as well as water stains on the surrounding drywall.

These symptoms can happen for many reasons including leaking flashing, cracked crowns or mortar, water coming directly into the top of the chimney, and other issues. Appropriate chimney or roof repair is required to fix these problems and prevent further damage.

Rusted Firebox or Damper

Another sign that your chimney is letting in water is a rusted firebox or fireplace damper. This could be a sign of condensation in your chimney or leaks due to any of the causes noted above. In any case, the presence of moisture where it should not be can affect roofs, masonry chimney structures, and even the metal parts of your fireplace. Firebox and damper problems caused by rust increase the possibility of a chimney or house fire as well as toxic smoke and fumes filling your home.

The best recommendation to keep chimneys in great shape and detect problems that could cause damage to roofs is making chimney inspection a required part of routine roof maintenance. Contractors who are already on your roof looking for other problems can also check your chimney for loose flashing, cracks, and other signs of damage. You can avoid dangerous chimney collapses, fires, and any need for expensive roof repair while getting great enjoyment from your wonderful fireplace!

Need Chimney and Roof Maintenance in Bryan Texas?

Contact Bryan Roofers About Roof Repair and Maintenance!

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