Most homeowners know that gutters play quite an important role in keeping roofing in good condition and your home free of water and moisture damage. Without gutters, water can accumulate on the roof and seep into otherwise unsealed seams on your roof. Roofing contractors advise that moisture is an insidious foe to any homeowner because it can wreak major havoc unnoticed until a small problem has become a big issue.

Most homeowners are unaware that gutter guards are another great way to keep roofing healthy Not all homeowners are aware of just how significant gutter guards are when it comes to roofing maintenance and in keeping your home in good condition in general. If you want to know more about why you need leaf guards or how much it would cost to get them installed, call a roofing contractor to come advise why your gutters need leaf guards.

Prevent Problems in the First Place

Gutter guards prevent debris like twigs and leaves or even dead pests and insects from falling into the gutters. This is important because it prevents clogs from forming from debris that has gathered along or in the pipes. An unclogged gutter allows water to be directed away from your roofing and out through downspouts as it should. When your gutters are doing their intended job, you avoid any moisture damage that can balloon into bigger problems later on. 

Prevent Nests

Pests are a huge problem to homeowners because they can bring with them disease and bacteria that can cause significant and even devastating health problems to humans and pets alike. Leaf guards installed on roofing gutters help prevent nest-building by pests like rodents. They also prevent birds from building nests in a dangerous place.

Prolonged Gutter Life

A roofing contractor will explain how gutters that are guarded will enjoy longer life spans than their unguarded counterparts. This lessens the need for roofing maintenance and at the same time decrease your costs because you will need to call on a roofing contractor less often.

Protection From Ice

Any homeowner knows that roofing maintenance is made even more difficult when ice is also a problem. Roofing and gutters that collect ice become more susceptible to moisture damage, at times requiring a roofing contractor to inspect or perform damage control. There are heated gutter guards that can help prevent ice-buildup inside the gutter and its pipes.

Leaf guards may seem insignificant; however, the truth is they do make quite a difference in your roofing. Any roofing contractor will tell you that gutter checks and clearing are often a part of roofing maintenance. With the right leaf guards for your needs, you should be able to help keep your roofing in good condition for a very long time!

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